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Almirante Brown

Máquinas para parchear en Almirante Brown

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En Argentina
Infrared Asphalt Heater MIRA-1
Infrared Asphalt Heater MIRA-1 - foto 1
Infrared Asphalt Heater MIRA-1 - foto 2
Infrared Asphalt Heater MIRA-1 - foto 3
3 740 €/ud
The MIRA-1 infrared asphalt heater is lightweight, foldable and powerful. Best suited for repairing age cracks and "alligator" areas. The output is 10 square metres per hour. Two foldable soft ceramic fibre blankets are available. Heating area 25″x80″ / 50″x40″. Weight 260 lbs. Infrared heating is
6 nov 2023
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